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Mesilla Valley Flyfishers
:You must purchase a membership in order to fish on the 'home waters' of Mesilla Valley Flyfishers - The Runyan Ranch. Flyfishing only and the use of flies with single barbless hooks.
Fees are shown on the MVFF 'Membership' page. Members must purchase initial memberships and the purchased permits then allowing them to fish the leased waters at a of $25 per day.
However, these waters are strictly catch and release. MVFF participates in Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc., a national program dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active duty military personnel and veterans through fly fishing and fly tying education and outings.
Every fly-fishing organization has a stream which can be called its “home waters." Memberships run from 1 April through 31 March and correspond with the NM fishing license.
Contact Jim Hulsey
541 Hansen Ave.
Las Cruces, N.M. 88005
email: permits@myff.org
web site: www.myff.org
The Historic Mulcock Ranch Quality Waters
The Mulcock Ranch is located 15 miles east of Mayhill, NM. It is a working Cattle Ranch. This section of the Penasco varies from still pools that exceed 10 foot drops to magnificent 40 foot waterfalls surrounded by the 60 foot high canyon walls.
Only artificial flies with a single barbless hook are allowed. The Penasco Spring River Flyfishing Club was created in 1998. Members are allowed to keep one fish per year that exceeds 26 inches. Membership in the club is limited.
The basic membership costs $1,000 for unlimited fishing per calendar year. Spouses and full-time students over 12 years old cost and additional $250.
Members are allowed to bring 2 guests at a cost of $50 each. The same guest can fish only 3 times a year.
For those who are not familiar with this beautiful stretch of river and want to fish it - the Club offers a "test drive" of $100 a day that is applied to a membership if you like what you see and choose to join.
Contact: Charlie Mulcock
5299 Rio Penasco Road
Mayhill, N.M. 88339
email: chuck1@pvtn.net
website: mulcock ranch.com